Creative Skills Europe


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Pearle – Live Performance Europeis the ‘Performing Arts Employers Associations League Europe’, the European sector federation of Performing Arts organisations. Pearle* represents through its members associations about 7000 theatres, theatre production companies, orchestras and music ensembles, opera houses, ballet and dance companies, festivals, and other organisations within the performing arts sector across Europe.

Pearle* acts as a forum for exchanging information of relevance to members, for sharing experiences in cultural management and technical skills, for supporting and assisting the formation of employers’ associations …. in addition to serving as the body to make representations to the European Commission and any other authorities whose deliberations may affect the work of the Performing Arts in Europe.

The aim of this non profit making international non-governmental organisation is the establishing of a stable environment by supporting sustainability and promotion of the Performing Arts across Europe.

For more information, go to Pearle’s website