Creative Skills Europe


CPNEF SV (logo cpnef svCommission Paritaire Nationale Emploi Formation Spectacle Vivant / National Bipartite Committee on Employment and Training for the Live performance sector) was set-up in 1993 in France at the initiative of social partners and is piloted by them. As regards employment, it is responsible for monitoring the labour market, improving the recognition of qualifications, securing career paths, etc. As regards training, it is in charge of fostering the development of skills, identifying needs, adapting the offer, etc. An ‘Observatory on Live Performance Professions’, hosted by Afdas (Fonds d’assurance formation des secteurs de la culture, de la communication et des loisirs – Insurance training fund for the culture, communication and entertainment sectors), supports the research and publication activities of the committee.

The CPNEF SV produces annual quantitative labour market intelligence (employment and training statistics), and qualitative reports (on the quality of the training offer, the relationship between employment and training, training needs, etc.). It also develops and publishes online sectoral occupational standards, orientation material for young people, as well as a panorama of the initial and continuous training offer in the sector. It contributes to a number of formal frameworks for the development of professional qualifications and continuous training schemes, initiated the establishment of new qualification certificates for riggers, sound management and risk prevention professionals and provides advice to training bodies. It has created a support platform for micro-businesses, a website dedicated to apprenticeships, and developed a specific skills assessment scheme for employees of the sector.

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