Kulturakademin is a Cultural Training Program for professionals in film, television and the performing arts in the Western region of Sweden.
It provides courses, workshops and lectures, free of cost for the participants. Kulturakademin is a nonprofit organisation. The members are Film i Väst (the western film fund), The Gothenburg Opera, Gothenburg symphonic orchestra, Regionteater Väst, Folkteatern, Teater Halland (three regional theaters). The organisation also has a strategy council that includes high-level representatives from the entire branch in Western Sweden: Academies, institutions, commercial theaters, independent group organisations, the social partners in film and stage, Swedish television in the western region, the regional film fund, the film & tv-producers and the Culture and Media Division of the National Employment Office.
Kulturakademin is funded by the Regional Culture Commission and the Regional Development Commission. Kulturakademin also collaborates with other organisations in the area as Dansalliansen, Musikalliansen and Teateralliansen. Equal opportunity, gender and other key transversal issues are mainstreamed all aspects of its work.
For more information: https://www.kulturakademin.com/