Creative Skills Europe


Creative Skills Europe aims at identifying and sharing relevant information on the evolution of activities, occupations and training needs in the audiovisual and live performance sectors. In this section, you will find interesting publications and initiatives produced by different partner organisations and institutions across Europe.

A first regional conference on skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors in Southern Europe

Update on 05-02-2024

On 11 and 12 of April 2024, European Social Partners in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors behind Creative Skills Europe organised a first regional conference on skills for Southern Europe in Madrid, Spain. The organisations include European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Pearle* Live Performance Europe, the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa (EURO-MEI), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International […]

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European Framework of Actions on Skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors

Update on 03-04-2024

European social partners in the audiovisual and live performance sectors – the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa (EURO-MEI), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) on the workers’ side and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) […]

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Learn new digital skills with our Learning cards

Update on 01-27-2022

The ‘Learning cards’ platform is an initiative of the ‘Creative Skills Europe‘ partnership aimed at helping live performance and audiovisual professionals strengthen their digital skills.The learning cards will help you discover how other people in the creative industry are making good use of new (or not-so-new) ‘digital’ tools. The learning […]

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Explore our video-podcasts with experts

Update on 12-16-2021

In 2020-2021 Creative Skills Europe focused its attention on digital skills in the audiovisual and live performance sectors. A series of webinars looked at the different stages within the creation process: Creation – Production – Distribution with a digital skills lens. Each webinar hosted guest speakers who are already pioneers in […]

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Re-watch our webinars on creative digital skills

Update on 12-16-2021

From November 2020 till June 2021 Creative Skills Europe organised a series of webinar on digital skills in the creative processes. The first event was held in November 2020 and was dedicated to CREATION. The  second webinar was held in March 2021 and it looked at digital skills and tool […]

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Webinar on digital skills for distribution

Update on 12-16-2021

Webinar 3: To distribute or not to distribute is never the question Tuesday 29 June 2021 – 14:00 till 16:00 This webinar is part of trilogy. After a first event held in November 2020 dedicated to CREATION and a second webinar held in March 2021 dedicated to PRODUCTION, The last […]

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Webinar on digital skills for production

Update on 06-15-2021

Webinar 2: To produce or not to produce is never the question Tuesday 23 March 2021 – 14:00 till 15:30 This webinar, the second of a trilogy – the first one held  in November 2020 was dedicated to creation –  focused on digital skills and tools in the PRODUCTION process. As […]

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Webinar on digital skills for creation

Update on 03-11-2021

Webinar 1: To create or not to create is never the question Friday 27 November 2020 – 10 a.m. till 12 p.m. The first webinar that took place on Friday 27 November 2020 is part of trilogy. It focused on digital skills and tools to enhance the CREATION process. The […]

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THINK SMART boosting creative digital skills

Update on 11-12-2020

In 2020-2021 Creative Skills Europe will focus on digital skills in the audiovisual and live performance sectors. It will organise three webinars looking at the digital skills and tools that can be mobilised at the different stages of the creation process: Creation– Production – Distribution. The first webinar will take […]

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Creative Skills Europe 2019 publications

Update on 09-30-2021

Creative Skills Europe, the European Platform on Employment and Training in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors, is a project which aims at collecting information and at developing tools to help the cultural and creative sectors adjust their skills to the realities of the field. Ran by a partnership of […]

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Gender statistics Live performance France

Update on 11-12-2020

Among the employees of the live performance sector in France, 61% were men and 39% women in 2017. The sector attracts mostly men who have an easier access to the artistic and technical occupations. However the number of women is constantly rising since the year 2000.  If the workforce is […]

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Skills Assessment of the UK Screen Industry

Update on 11-03-2020

ScreenSkills has published in August 2019 the Annual ScreenSkills Assessment, a comprehensive analysis of existing data combined with a specially commissioned survey of more than 400 employers on the state of the UK screen sector workforce. It is the first major piece of research to draw an accurate and coherent […]

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The French view on the skill set of performers

Update on 11-08-2018

What is the skill set of an actor, a dancer, a musician, etc.? Beyond the talent of each individual, is it possible to identify competences shared by all those professionals?  Are the skills required from performers only related to artistic expressions or are there other competences requested to make a […]

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Live Skills / Image, Sound & Performance

Update on 11-08-2018

The Live Skills project will design and pilot 3 innovative Vocational Education and Training (VET) curricula in the Audiovisual (AV) and Live Performance (LP) sectors. The project’s key objectives are to enhance skills in these sectors, from entrepreneurial and management skills to the use of cutting-edge digital technologies. These learning […]

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Record amount in Skills Investment Fund UK

Update on 05-09-2018

Studio blockbusters to arthouse indies and micro-budget productions paid a record amount towards training the next generation in 2017-2018, Creative Skillset announced today. Contributions to the Skills Investment Fund (SIF) – commonly known as the film levy – hit £937,768, an increase of 18 per cent on the year before […]

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Updated Workforce Statistics France

Update on 06-14-2018

In 2016 there were 207 625 people employed in the audiovisual sector in France; 70% of them under the French special social security regime for atypical artists and creators (‘intermittents’). They are active in one or more professions within the 11 sector professional groups. They work for 9 816 companies […]

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Theatre Workforce Review UK

Update on 07-14-2017

The Society of London Theatre (SOLT) and UK Theatre published in June 2017 a research to assess the current and future needs of the UK’s theatre and performing arts sector workforce. The publication puts forward strong recommendations for a more open organisational culture, a long-term commitment to professional development and […]

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MediaRoad project European partnership

Update on 07-14-2017

MediaRoad is a newly EU-funded H2020 project that aspires to reawaken a ‘start-up mentality’ in the media sector, reshaping the way organisations collaborate and deploy new ideas in the market. Augmented and virtual reality, robot journalism and 5G as well as future research policy priorities for the media sector are […]

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Animation processes and profiles France

Update on 07-14-2017

To better understand and disseminate information on occupations in the animation field, the French network of animation schools outlined the key phases of an animation production and developed occupational profiles for five occupations in the field (3D Animator, Animation Director, VFX Supervisor, Story Board Artist, Matt-Painter). The study builds on […]

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Working conditions in LP Flanders

Update on 07-14-2017

In the autumn of 2016 Sociaal Fonds voor de Podiumkunsten (SFP), the ‘Social fund for the live performance sector in Flemish-speaking Belgium’, surveyed the work experience in the performing arts and music sector. Both employees and ‘flex workers’ were surveyed, and a number of welfare indicators and recommendations for an […]

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Health and Safety Performing arts

Update on 07-14-2017

The EU social partners from the Live Performance sector – the European Arts and Entertainment Alliance (EAEA), composed of FIM, FIA and EURO-MEI, and Pearle* – produced, with the support of the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work , two OIRA sectoral tools (one for productions and one […]

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A guide for newcomers AV sector, Belgium

Update on 07-14-2017, the ‘Social fund for the audiovisual and film production sectors in Belgium’ just published the 2017-2018 edition of its ‘Guide for newcomers’ aimed at helping individuals who wish to enter the Belgian Audiovisual employment market, but also at supporting employers in welcoming them. This very comprehensive guide gives a […]

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Accessible Culture Profiles and Training

Update on 07-14-2017

A large consortium of partners (universities, theatres, culture departments in local governments and a quality agency) led by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) has pooled together, with support of EU funding, to promote equal opportunities and accessibility to cultural events. The ACT project will develop a new professional profile, […]

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New statistics on the French LP sector

Update on 07-14-2017

The French ‘Prospective Observatory of Live Performance Occupations’, piloted by the CPNEF SV (Joint National Committee for Employment and Training in the Live Performance sector) published in June 2017 a thematic focus dedicated to occupations and career paths. Thanks to an original approach to available statistics, the sector now has […]

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Final publication now available

Update on 09-30-2021

Creative Skills Europe’s final publication entitled Trends and skills in the European audiovisual and live performance sectors has been finalised and is available for download and broad dissemination. The report, building on the outcomes of the three Creative Skills Europe’s meetings organised in Tallinn, Prague and Madrid in 2015 and […]

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Creative Skills Europe’s 2016 publication

Update on 06-22-2017

Creative Skills Europe, the European Platform for Employment and Training in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors, was launched in November 2014 by a partnership of European trade unions and employers’ organisations. From November 2014 to June 2016 Creative Skills Europe collected sector labour market intelligence gathered from different EU […]

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Apprenticeships in the UK LP sector

Update on 07-13-2016

Several years ago, no apprenticeships existed in the creative and cultural sectors in the UK. Wherever this term was used, it was usually for an informal arrangement with no educational supporting structure and often unpaid. With education and industry partners, Creative & Cultural Skills developed and tested the first creative […]

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A New Skills Agenda for Europe

Update on 09-22-2016

On the 10th of June 2016, the European Commission adopted its New Skills Agenda for Europe, that “calls on Member States and stakeholders to improve the quality of skills and their relevance for the labour market. » Aimed at increasing skills levels, promoting transversal skills and finding ways to better anticipate […]

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EN leaflet, French LP joint committee

Update on 07-13-2016

‘Supporting employment and vocational training in the performing arts‘ When and why was the French joint committee for employment and training in the live performance sector (CPNEF SV) set up? Who are its stakeholders, and what are its missions and activities? Download the English presentation document here. You can also […]

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A toolkit for freelancers, AV/UK

Update on 03-09-2017

In the UK production sector alone, freelancers make up a massive 90% of the film workforce and over half of the independent TV workforce. To help freelancers get set up and avoid the common pitfalls faced by the self-employed, Creative Skillset has prepared a Freelance toolkit that includes information on skills and […]

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A LP HR network in Flanders

Update on 07-13-2016

Since 2010 the Social Fund of the Performing Arts in Flanders (SFP) has set up a peer learning network of live performance human resources managers. Today more than 80 members representing 67 different employers, big and small, of all disciplines, are part of this network. The network aims at an […]

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Anticipating future profiles in the NL

Update on 07-13-2016

What will the media and communication sector look like in 2020? In an entertaining format, the Dutch publication ‘2020 starts tomorrow – meet the employees of media and communication companies in 2020’, published by GOC – the Expert-centre for the creative industries – presents the profiles of ten employees of […]

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French platform AV technical workers

Update on 03-09-2017

It has taken just a few years for digitisation to deeply modify the production processes of the audiovisual industry. This has had a great impact on many occupations. To cope with these changes, in 2010 France created a platform for the technical industries. It proposes responses to employees and employers […]

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Internships in the AV sector in BE

Update on 03-09-2017

The project “STAGES MEDIA” has been designed to help young people (younger than 26 years old) who want to acquire some professional experience in the media field. It is an initiative of, the Social Fund of the Audiovisual and film production sector in Belgium. The project offers young people […]

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Retraining dancers in the NL

Update on 03-09-2017

Founded in 1986, Omscholing Dansers Nederland (Dutch Transition Program for Dancers) assists dancers who have reached the end of their performing careers, providing them with advice and financial support. To know more: For similar initiatives in other countries, you can visit the website of the International Organisation for the […]

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Live Performance statistics, France

Update on 03-09-2017

The CPNEF SV (Joint National Committee for Employment and Training in the Live Performance sector) publishes yearly statistics about the companies and workers in the theatre, dance, music, circus art, visual art and street art sectors in France. 2015 key statistics are available here (in French)  

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Creative industries, the Netherlands

Update on 03-09-2017

GOC, the expert-centre for the creative industries in the Netherlands, publishes since 2007 yearly publications that highlight the trends in the creative industries (graphic sector, publishing, design, the media field, and the live performance sector). The publication is available in Dutch only: Trends 2015/2016 De mens een merkwaardige trends

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Insertion of arts students, DE

Update on 07-13-2016

The Career and Transfer Service Center (CTC) of the Berlin University of the Arts was founded in 2001 with co-financing from the EU. It is the first career centre at a university of the arts in Germany. The CTC advises students and graduates on questions relating to starting and planning […]

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UK Creative Media Workforce Survey

Update on 03-09-2017

Creative Skillset’s Workforce Survey 2014, published in May 2015, finds that over half (56%) of the UK creative media workforce found their current position through informal networks, whilst unpaid work periods (48%) are still common in the creative media industries. This is the largest survey of individuals working in the […]

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Belgian audiovisual and film statistics

Update on 03-09-2017

The sectoral picture published by aims at understanding the needs of the Belgian audiovisual and film employment market in order to better adjust the training offer. The sectoral picture offers a vision of the evolution of the employment quantitative data in a given period. A qualitative analysis is also developed in […]

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Finnish Theatre Statistics

Update on 03-09-2017

Theatre Info Finland publishes comprehensive statistics for the subsidised theatre sector in Finland. It covers the employment situation, as well as the financial structure, the repertoire and the domestic and international mobility of performances. Download the 2015 statistics (in English and Finnish)

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Gender equality, AV sector, France

Update on 07-01-2016

The study published by the ‘French Observatory of Audiovisual Occupations’ looks at the inequalities between men and women in the perspective of their professional career paths. Commissioned to the Centre for sociological and political studies Raymond-Aron (EHESS-CNRS), the study presents the results of two years of investigation (2013-2015) in career […]

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