On 11 and 12 of April 2024, European Social Partners in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors behind Creative Skills Europe organised a first regional conference on skills for Southern Europe in Madrid, Spain. The organisations include European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Pearle* Live Performance Europe, the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa (EURO-MEI), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ).
Jazmín Beirak, Director General of Cultural Rights at the Spanish Ministry of Culture, introduced the conference, celebrating “the dialogue between social partners of both sectors at European level.” She also underlined that “discussions, exchanges of ideas and the implementation of initiatives beyond each specific territory is undoubtedly the best strategy to address the social and economic changes taking place in the sectors.”

In the context of the EU Year on Skills, the conference put the spotlight on key challenges affecting the audiovisual and live performance sectors such as the digital transformation, the green transition, diversity and inclusion and access to training for all. The participants exchanged best practices, including the creation of digital training platforms such as the Haz Plataforma by Spanish public broadcaster RTVE, a Manual for inclusive recruitment published by the Portuguese theatre association Performart, or the development of a wide range of training opportunities inside unions.
The specific Spanish context on the new legislation on artistic education was also addressed. Spanish theatre association FAETEDA’s president Jesús Cimarro introduced the Performing Arts and Music Professional Platform, which reunites employer’s associations and unions from the live performance sector. It represented the voice of professionals during the negotiations surrounding the new law, demonstrating how cooperation and social dialogue can strengthen the sector.
The conference was also the opportunity to present and discuss with professionals of both sectors in the region the European Framework of Actions on Skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors adopted by European Social Partners in 2023. The agreement aims at improving the relevance, quality, accessibility of and participation in lifelong learning for cultural and creative professionals across the EU.
This regional conference is the first of a series of three to be organised in the next couple of years. It is part of a project, implemented jointly by the social partners and co-funded by the European Union, to promote and disseminate the Framework of Actions at regional and national level, and support the development of new solutions in the acquisition of new skills. Two other reunions, one for Central and Eastern Europe and another one for Northern Europe, will be organised in the coming months.