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Online resource for actors

Creative Front-Enders

Challenge/problem to be solved

How to network and keep learning online as an actor?

Skill Set

Be eager to learn and be curious. Never be afraid to connect with new people online and network.

Digital Tools

The advantage of the internet is that you tap into resources from everywhere in the world. Even consider the internet as a tool to expand your career across your own territory. Performers Connect Magazine is an Australian initiative that targets Casting Agents, Agents, Actors, Directors and Production Companies. Spotlight connects casting professionals and performers online. With studios in London and people across America and Europe, it runs events in the UK and abroad. The E-talenta platform also presents casting opportunities., finally, is an online platform for actors and live performers from the UK. It offers lot of tips and tricks and industry insights.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

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Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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Look for the right project management tool



Templates and digital tips for theatre



Online resource for actors



Capture choreography, staging blocks and movements

European Commission This website was created with financial support from the European Union. It reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.