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Look for the right project management tool

Creative Facilitators

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How to optimize your work processes using digital tools?

Skill Set

To choose the best tools adapted to your needs you will need to review your current processes and question their efficiency, analyze your needs, and look for what is out there. Management skills will therefore be needed, as well as some technical skills to adopt and implement new online tools and ways of working.

Digital Tools

There are several tools available. If you work in a linear way, Smartsheet is very valuable. Working in a linear way means breaking down your project in tasks, assigning them to collaborators and monitoring progress in an ongoing and collective way. You can integrate smartsheet in the Office timeline and create power points planning sheets Teamgantt might convince you to stop using excel. This straightforward and easy to use tool allows you to can drag and drop to adjust your timeline.You can choose the calendar view you want, manage the resources needed for a job and automatically notify someone when a change has been made.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

Understanding the basics of the different project management methods available will give you valuable insights into what tool might suit your needs best. Exploring ‘Waterfall’ and ‘Agile’ project management is a good starting point. Combining both methods and making it your own could even be a better solution. In ‘waterfall’ management, one task follows the other and everything is planned and prepared in advance. With this method, assumptions have to be made about situations that are impossible to predict in advance. In ‘agile’ management, very much used in IT, you don’t assume but you try and create a minimum viable product and get it in front the user as soon as possible. You go for one try out to the other and shape the creation according to the reaction of the public. Go to the resources below for additional tips to help you understand the different project management tools. In any case, it is very important that your entire team is trained when you adopt a new project management tool and that the objectives and timing are always clear for all.

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Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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Look for the right project management tool



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