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Cash flow planning tools

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How to us digital tools to monitor cashflow and explore different budget scenarios?

Skill Set

If you know how to work with Office you can use online financial planning tools.

Digital Tools

Many online tools exist but make sure the one you choose allows you to project different types of scenarios. See in the resources below an article comparing Cash Flow Forecasting Softwares. Some tools have been developed specifically for the audiovisual industry such as Movie Magic Budgeting from Moviesoft. Other sector-specific tools are compared in another article available below. If you are into digital or e-commerce (for example, selling theatre tickets online) you might want to look into Sturppy. If you are at the stage of launching your company, using LivePlan might be a good way to structure your business plan.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

Use the free trials first to explore how the different tools work and if it can save you time. Cash flow is more important when you are a company with an actual turnover. If you are relying on funding, those tools might be less relevant.

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Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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European Commission This website was created with financial support from the European Union. It reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.