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Software and hardware for non-profits at discount prices

Creative Boosters

Challenge/problem to be solved

How to benefit from discounts for non-profits on the most used software?

Skill Set

No specific skills set required, just knowing where to look and not being afraid to ask!

Digital Tools

Did you know that as a non-profit you can get discounts for a lot of software? Go to the resources below for direct links but don’t hesitate either to ask the sales department about discounts available before doing a software purchase. In Belgium and the Netherlands socialware, linked to Techsoup, is a great resource to save money and time.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

It takes a bit of time to get your account set up via Socialware. But when it is done you will have access to discounts for a lot of IT-software and even hardware, so it is worth doing it. First you need to setup a Social Ware account before buying the software via the software providers’ site. They will then ask you to connect to your Social Ware Account during the process.

This card was added by:

Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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Look for the right project management tool



Templates and digital tips for theatre



Online resource for actors



Capture choreography, staging blocks and movements

European Commission This website was created with financial support from the European Union. It reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.