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Open source office tools for free

Creative Back-Enders

Challenge/problem to be solved

If you would like save money on software.

Skill Set

If you know how to use traditional office tools, you do not need additional skills to use the Open Source/free versions.

Digital Tools

The Open Source/free versions of the office tools will help you do almost anything: from creating spreadsheets, to editing documents or creating databases.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

Open Source is worth looking at for any tool you use. It is designed and developed by a community that wants to democratize software and make it available to everyone. In addition to save costs, Open Source tools are also useful to test a tool before purchasing a paid version. If you can, please donate to the community when you use the free tools to keep the movement alive.

This card was added by:

Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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