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Learn more about Mobile Journalism

Creative Front-Enders

Challenge/problem to be solved

How to use smartphones to make news video, radio, and multi-platform stories as a journalist

Skill Set

New technologies have transformed news reporting at the level of individual journalism practices as in the newsrooms. The skills set attached to these new practices and tools is multifaceted from the simplest to the most complex. Journalism curricula are being transformed to mirror these new realities, but lifelong learning is also needed to keep with the pace of change. The use of mobile kits is called Mojo (Mobile Journalism).

Digital Tools

The Mobile Journalism Manual for Reporters and Newsrooms (a free online book by Corinne Podger, Director of The Digital Skills Agency) is a great starting point. It is used by more than 50 universities worldwide. There is also great manual on the Mojo website with tons of tips and tricks on mobile journalism. The BBC Academy podcast also offers very relevant insights and resources on mobile journalism.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

The shoulderpod is one of the tools you can use to turn your mobile phone into an all-in-one recording tool. Their website has tons of resources with manuals, tips & tricks. But there are many other ‘grip’ tools like Movophoto, so it is hard to choose. Take a deep dive and explore what works for you.

This card was added by:

Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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