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Turn your PowerPoint into a video

Creative Back-Enders

Challenge/problem to be solved

How to quickly make a video based on a PowerPoint presentation

Skill Set

Nothing more than the skills already needed to create a PowerPoint presentation!

Digital Tools

The tool is embedded in the PowerPoint software itself.

Tips on how to use the tool in the most efficient way

Many tutorials exist in different languages. It doesn't take much time and if you have no editing skills this is a good place to start. After you have created the Powerpoint, instead of saving it, export it as a video. You need to rehearse a bit because you'll see that the audio and slides are sync. You could also first record the audio and then capture the video presentation to move faster. Combine the two in an editor.

This card was added by:

Trees De Bruyne


Organisation: Kwikzilver

Job title: Curator

Country: Belgium

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