Creative Skills Europe

Webinar on digital skills for distribution

Webinar 3: To distribute or not to distribute is never the question

Tuesday 29 June 2021 – 14:00 till 16:00

This webinar is part of trilogy. After a first event held in November 2020 dedicated to CREATION and a second webinar held in March 2021 dedicated to PRODUCTION, The last webinar of the series that took place on 29 June focused on the digital skills and tools needed to boost DISTRIBUTION of cultural and creative works and contents in the digital environment.

We are passionate about creating but without an audience, creation does not mean much. Distribution is often the moment, in the creative value chain, when creative people become vulnerable. Transparency, ownership, monetization – those are the key words and what it is all about.

How can Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain help achieve distribution to the broader audience possible, and create enough revenue?

The webinar combined presentations and group discussions.

To know more and watch the recording of the event, go here.


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